Have you decided to add a pool to your backyard this summer?
There are some things you need to consider.
In Ohio, you need a building permit for the installation, repair, maintenance, or location of any swimming or wading pool that is capable of a water depth of more than 24 inches in depth at any point, or greater than 150 square feet in surface area.
Every private swimming pool in Ohio must build a fence around the pool.
A fence must be constructed around the pool or around the property where the pool is built. Inground pools need to have a fence and a gate with a lock and or an alarm.
Local municipalities have regulations and laws around pool fences, too, like requiring your fence to be a certain height or have a gate lock.
There is a national standard that requires that all swimming pools must be at least 10 feet away from the house walls.
This will protect electrical wiring from leaks, floods, and splashes.
Consider getting training from the Red Cross in CPR and Pool & Water Safety.

Next comes the question of pool insurance.
Insurance companies consider swimming pools an “attractive nuisance”, a property that might attract and endanger a child. And when you own a pool — or any type of attractive nuisance — you’re liable for any incidents attached to it, regardless of whether the person had permission to use it.
A swimming pool, whether above-ground or in-ground, is eligible for homeowners insurance coverage as a “scheduled structure” or under “other structures blanket coverage.”
In other words, because it is a detached structure, like a shed, it’s not covered under your homeowner’s policy unless you specifically add the coverage.
Above-ground pools are covered under personal property or other structures coverage if permanently installed. In-ground pools are usually covered under dwelling or “other structures“ coverage.
The liability portion of your homeowner’s insurance pays for medical bills or lawsuits that result from incidents in or around the pool, such as an injury or death. The policyholder and household are excluded from this coverage.
Anytime you add anything to your home that can increase the value or present risk you should check in with your insurance agent to make sure you have all the protection you need.
Call, text or email us today with any questions. Let’s be sure you are protected!